Account manager for

Elevated access required

Please sign in with rsfT…irVW account to access this area.
Change or remove email

To display an avatar for your account, create a Gravatar account and upload the desired image, then enter the email you used for Gravatar in the field below. The email will be stored as a hash on the Ledger and used to display your avatar. To remove email, leave input blank and sign.

Current setting (EmailHash):
Change or remove domain

Domain can be be used for bi-direction verification of account via TOML.

Current setting (Domain):
Allow incoming XAH

Disallow to advise users not to send native currency to this account. This rule is not enforced by the ledger protocol. Wallets should discourage or block users to send native asset to this account.

Current setting (asfDisallowXRP):

Issuer settings

Rippling settings

Rippling is the indirect movement of funds that occurs for any payment of fungible tokens (except when an issuing account exchanges tokens directly with another account). This includes when one holder sends tokens to another holder of the same token.

Rippling can automatically exchange tokens that have the same currency code, even if they have different issuers. This helps to facilitate longer and more complex payments between accounts.

Current setting (asfDefaultRipple):
Allow incoming Trust Line

Set permission to allow / block other accounts from creating incoming Trust Lines. This setting is primarily for token issuers.

Current setting (asfDisallowIncomingTrustline):