Reward Halving Schedule
# | Account | Balance (EVR) | Host |
Governor Hook Address
Heartbeat Hook Address
Registry Hook Address
Reputation Hook Address
EVR Issuer Xahau Address
Foundation Address
Heartbeat Frequency
Registration Fee
Lease Acquire Window
Moment Base Timestamp
Transition Moment
Moment Size
Governance Configuration
Candidate Election Period
Candidate Support Average
Eligibility Period
Max Tolerable Downtime
- This page does not auto refresh, reload manually to get fresh data.
- Eligible hosts counter resets every heartbeat (every hour) and starts filling over time, you can see count on top of this page.
- When host votes it may not be reflected instantly on the dashboard (due to eligible hosts resets), wait about an hour to get fresh vote count
- Proposal vote count is extracted by scanning ledger history over last hour and fetching peak vote count from hook, this will ensure to get most accurate count
- Official documentation is here
Host score
To rank hosts by its specification we derived formula to calculate score.
/ Number of instances
/ 10000
Hardware Specification Index
Depending on calculated score we categorize hosts into "starred" categories described below. More stars equals better server specifications.
- (enterprise)200 and more
- (high end)100-199
- (medium)50-99
- (low end)20-49
- (lite) 0-19
No affiliation
XRPLWin is not affiliated with or endorsed by Evernode. This dashboard is made for Community to list and help discover Evernode hosts.
Host data is loaded from decentralized registry of Hosts which are stored in Evernode Registry Hook. You can view raw data here.
Evernode may at any time change logic how it stores host data if that happens this dashboard might not show valid data, in that case contact us, and we will adjust our dashboard ASAP.