

This hook definition was first created on ledger #5433576 in transaction C052E8E800005359
This hook version is currently not active on any account and was last seen on ledger #6319363 in transaction C0606D0300005359
Longevity of this hook version is 885787 ledgers (about 31 days)

Default namespace


Default triggers


Default parameters

Checking for ABI...
Name Value
4556520100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 77C6E707430AC26716121F50539634E4024FB457


No additional description provided
Installs 1
Uninstalls 1
Executions 393 051
Accepts: 392 694
Rollbacks: 357
Fails: 0
What is a hook?

Hook is small, efficient piece of code being defined on an account, allowing logic to be executed before and/or after transactions.

Want to start with hooks?

How to install a Hook
Hooks documentation

Want to start building?

Try Hook builder